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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spare Tire Well

So a while ago I got around to cleaning out the back tire well which was full of baking soda after the previous owner had neutralized spilt battery acid. By the looks of the well after cleaning out the baking soda it was evident that that it had been there a while.

So luckily it was only surface rust! After a quick dusting with the angle grider (brush attatchment) the back looked much better (aside from the mass amounts of rust dust floating around the garage).

Now it was on to some hand sanding working our way up from an 80 grit up to about a 400 grit, a quick vacuum and a little rinse and we were ready for some chemicals!
We were lucky enough to find some rust two-in-one converter/primer which actually worked really well. In hind sight it probably would have been easier to use this first because the rust seemed to just wipe away after. anyways now we were ready for paint.

 While vaccuming we thought that we caught a wiring harness or something while going over the back right corner. Turns out an old shirt had been stuffed in the bak passenger side wheel well which was really weird. On top of that we found two beer cans underneath where the shirt was which although unopened were completely empty... I'm assuming the previous owner wasn't the healthiest after also finding rolling papers in the centre console.

Now time for the first coat... We used a Rust Killer paint so hopefully we have no more problems.
and finally the last coat.
Sadly all this work wont be seen because this is the future sight of a fiberglass sub enclosure!

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